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Freshwater Fish Species in Rio Negro [Brazil]

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Fish Species in Rio Negro

Rises in E Colombia where it is known as the Guain�a, flows E to the Venezuela boundary, forms a section of Colombia-Venezuela boundary, crosses Brazil and SE into Amazon river at Manaus; is joined to the Orinoco through the Casiquiare river

[No. of Species listed in]
Species Family Habitat Length (cm) Trophic level Status
Acanthodoras depressus Doradidae demersal 10 TL 2.1 native
Acarichthys heckelii Cichlidae benthopelagic 17 TL 3.0 native
Acaronia nassa Cichlidae benthopelagic 19 TL 3.7 native
Acestridium dichromum Loricariidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.0 native
Acestridium martini Loricariidae benthopelagic 9 TL   native
Acestrorhynchus grandoculis Acestrorhynchidae benthopelagic 14 TL 2.9 native
Achiropsis nattereri Achiridae demersal 17 TL 3.4 native
Aequidens diadema Cichlidae benthopelagic 15 TL 3.2 native
Aequidens pallidus Cichlidae benthopelagic 18 TL 3.2 native
Ageneiosus piperatus Auchenipteridae pelagic 6 TL 3.0 native
Ageneiosus polystictus Auchenipteridae pelagic 55 TL 3.5 native
Agoniates anchovia Characidae benthopelagic 19 TL 3.0 native
Agoniates halecinus Characidae benthopelagic 27 TL 3.2 native
Amblydoras affinis Doradidae demersal 13 TL 2.6 native
Anduzedoras oxyrhynchus Doradidae demersal 40 TL 3.4 native
Argonectes longiceps Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 30 TL 3.0 native
Argonectes robertsi Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 36 TL 2.7 native
Asterophysus batrachus Auchenipteridae demersal 31 TL 3.3 native
Astronotus crassipinnis Cichlidae benthopelagic 30 TL 3.0 native
Atopomesus pachyodus Characidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.0 native
Aulixidens eugeniae Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.0 native
Biotoecus opercularis Cichlidae benthopelagic 10 TL 3.0 native
Bivibranchia fowleri Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 18 TL 3.0 native
Boulengerella cuvieri Ctenoluciidae pelagic 98 TL 3.2 native
Boulengerella lateristriga Ctenoluciidae pelagic 32 TL 4.5 native
Boulengerella lucius Ctenoluciidae pelagic 52 TL 2.9 native
Boulengerella maculata Ctenoluciidae pelagic 39 TL 4.5 native
Boulengerella xyrekes Ctenoluciidae pelagic 47 TL 2.5 native
Brachyrhamdia heteropleura Heptapteridae demersal 8 TL 3.2 native
Brittanichthys axelrodi Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Brittanichthys myersi Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Bryconamericus deuterodonoides Characidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.0 native
Bryconamericus ternetzi Characidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.0 native
Bryconops humeralis Characidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.2 native
Bryconops inpai Characidae benthopelagic 10 TL 3.2 native
Caenotropus mestomorgmatos Chilodontidae benthopelagic 20 TL 2.9 native
Carnegiella marthae Gasteropelecidae pelagic 4 TL 3.2 native
Centrodoras hasemani Doradidae demersal 26 TL 3.0 native
Centromochlus macracanthus Auchenipteridae demersal 9 TL 3.0 native
Chaetostoma machiquense Loricariidae benthopelagic 9 TL 2.2 native
Chalceus macrolepidotus Characidae pelagic 30 TL 3.5 native
Charax condei Characidae benthopelagic 7 TL 4.5 native
Chasmocranus longior Heptapteridae demersal 17 TL 3.3 native
Cichla orinocensis Cichlidae benthopelagic 76 TL 4.4 native
Cichla temensis Cichlidae benthopelagic 99 TL 4.5 native
Copella compta Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.1 native
Copella metae Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.5 native
Copella nattereri Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.3 native
Corydoras amandajanea Callichthyidae demersal 8 TL 3.0 native
Corydoras crypticus Callichthyidae demersal 6 TL 3.0 native
Corydoras duplicareus Callichthyidae demersal 5 TL 3.0 native
Corydoras imitator Callichthyidae demersal 7 TL 2.9 native
Corydoras incolicana Callichthyidae demersal 7 TL 2.9 native
Corydoras parallelus Callichthyidae demersal 7 TL 2.9 native
Corydoras rabauti Callichthyidae demersal 7 TL 3.0 endemic
Corydoras robineae Callichthyidae demersal 6 TL 3.0 native
Corydoras serratus Callichthyidae demersal 6 TL 2.9 native
Creagrutus maxillaris Characidae benthopelagic 9 TL 3.0 native
Creagrutus melanzonus Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Crenicichla notophthalmus Cichlidae benthopelagic 10 TL 3.2 native
Crenicichla reticulata Cichlidae benthopelagic 27 TL 3.1 native
Crenicichla virgatula Cichlidae benthopelagic 9 TL 3.0 native
Crenuchus spilurus Crenuchidae pelagic 6 TL 3.3 native
Curimata cisandina Curimatidae benthopelagic 15 TL 2.0 native
Curimata ocellata Curimatidae benthopelagic 28 TL 2.3 native
Curimatella alburna Curimatidae benthopelagic 23 TL 2.5 native
Curimatella dorsalis Curimatidae benthopelagic 14 TL   native
Curimatella meyeri Curimatidae benthopelagic 20 TL   native
Cyphocharax multilineatus Curimatidae benthopelagic 14 TL   native
Dekeyseria picta Loricariidae demersal 14 TL 2.4 native
Dekeyseria pulcher Loricariidae demersal 13 TL 2.0 native
Dekeyseria scaphirhyncha Loricariidae demersal 26 TL 2.8 native
Dicrossus filamentosus Cichlidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Dolichancistrus pediculatus Loricariidae demersal 12 TL 2.1 native
Elachocharax geryi Crenuchidae pelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Elachocharax mitopterus Crenuchidae pelagic 2 TL 3.3 native
Elachocharax pulcher Crenuchidae pelagic 3 TL 3.1 native
Farlowella nattereri Loricariidae demersal 33 TL 2.8 native
Fluviphylax obscurus Poeciliidae benthopelagic 3 TL 2.5 native
Fluviphylax zonatus Poeciliidae benthopelagic 2 TL 2.6 native
Gelanoglanis nanonocticolus Auchenipteridae pelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Gladioglanis machadoi Heptapteridae demersal 5 TL 3.5 native
Glanapteryx niobium Trichomycteridae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.3 native
Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps Loricariidae demersal 50 TL 2.0 native
Gnathocharax steindachneri Characidae pelagic 7 TL 3.2 misidentification
Gymnorhamphichthys rosamarie Rhamphichthyidae demersal 19 TL 2.6 native
Haemomaster venezuelae Trichomycteridae demersal 9 TL 3.1 native
Hemidoras stenopeltis Doradidae demersal 16 TL 3.0 native
Hemigrammus analis Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 2.9 native
Hemigrammus belottii Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.2 native
Hemigrammus bleheri Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 2.9 native
Hemigrammus coeruleus Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.0 native
Hemigrammus mimus Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 2.9 native
Hemigrammus schmardae Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 2.9 native
Hemigrammus stictus Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 2.9 native
Hemigrammus vorderwinkleri Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 2.6 native
Hemiodus argenteus Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 29 TL 3.0 native
Hemiodus atranalis Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.0 native
Hemiodus gracilis Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 20 TL 2.9 native
Hemiodus immaculatus Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 31 TL 2.7 native
Hemiodus microlepis Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 30 TL 3.0 native
Hemiodus quadrimaculatus Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 16 TL 2.6 native
Hemiodus thayeria Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 11 TL 3.0 native
Hemipsilichthys regani Loricariidae demersal 12 TL 2.1 native
Heros notatus Cichlidae benthopelagic 19 TL 3.4 native
Heros severus Cichlidae benthopelagic 25 TL 2.0 native
Heterocharax leptogrammus Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Heterocharax macrolepis Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.0 misidentification
Hoplarchus psittacus Cichlidae benthopelagic 32 TL 3.7 native
Hoplocharax goethei Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 misidentification
Hydrolycus wallacei Cynodontidae pelagic 41 TL 3.0 native
Hypancistrus inspector Loricariidae benthopelagic 16 TL 2.0 native
Hyphessobrycon diancistrus Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Hyphessobrycon epicharis Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 2.9 native
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 2.8 native
Hyphessobrycon socolofi Characidae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.0 native
Hyphessobrycon tropis Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Hypopygus neblinae Hypopomidae benthopelagic 13 TL 2.8 native
Hypostomus squalinus Loricariidae demersal 34 TL 2.5 native
Iguanodectes adujai Characidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.2 native
Iguanodectes geisleri Characidae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.2 native
Iguanodectes gracilis Characidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.0 native
Imparfinis pristos Heptapteridae demersal 12 TL 3.2 native
Jupiaba scologaster Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Jupiaba zonata Characidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.0 native
Laetacara thayeri Cichlidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.0 native
Leporinus brunneus Anostomidae benthopelagic 32 TL   native
Leptocharacidium omospilus Crenuchidae pelagic 9 TL 3.1 native
Leptodoras copei Doradidae demersal 18 TL 3.2 native
Leptodoras hasemani Doradidae demersal 21 TL 3.0 native
Leptodoras praelongus Doradidae demersal 22 TL 3.0 native
Leptorhamdia marmorata Heptapteridae demersal 17 TL 3.0 native
Leptorhamdia nocturna Heptapteridae demersal 17 TL 3.0 native
Lonchogenys ilisha Characidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.0 native
Melanocharacidium depressum Crenuchidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Melanocharacidium dispilomma Crenuchidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.1 native
Mesonauta guyanae Cichlidae benthopelagic 13 TL 3.2 native
Mesonauta insignis Cichlidae benthopelagic 12 TL 3.4 native
Microcharacidium gnomus Crenuchidae pelagic 3 TL 3.1 native
Microcharacidium weitzmani Crenuchidae pelagic 2 TL 3.4 native
Micromischodus sugillatus Hemiodontidae benthopelagic 21 TL 3.0 native
Microschemobrycon callops Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Microschemobrycon casiquiare Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Myleus torquatus Characidae benthopelagic 30 TL 3.3 native
Nannacara adoketa Cichlidae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.1 native
Nannostomus anduzei Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 2 TL 3.0 native
Nannostomus beckfordi Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.3 native
Nannostomus marilynae Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.2 native
Nannostomus trifasciatus Lebiasinidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.3 native
Nemuroglanis pauciradiatus Heptapteridae demersal 17 TL 3.0 native
Niobichthys ferrarisi Loricariidae demersal 9 TL   native
Ochmacanthus alternus Trichomycteridae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Ochmacanthus orinoco Trichomycteridae benthopelagic 6 TL 3.2 native
Odontesthes humensis Atherinidae benthopelagic 29 TL 2.5 native
Odontesthes retropinnis Atherinidae benthopelagic 29 TL 2.5 native
Odontocharacidium aphanes Crenuchidae pelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Olivaichthys viedmensis Diplomystidae demersal 40 TL 3.0 native
Opsodoras boulengeri Doradidae demersal 18 TL 3.2 native
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Osteoglossidae benthopelagic 120 TL 3.2 native
Oxyropsis acutirostris Loricariidae demersal 7 TL 2.4 native
Paracheirodon axelrodi Characidae pelagic 4 TL 3.3 native
Paracheirodon simulans Characidae pelagic 3 TL 3.0 native
Parotocinclus polyochrus Loricariidae demersal 4 TL 2.6 native
Petitella georgiae Characidae pelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Phenacogaster megalostictus Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.0 native
Poecilocharax weitzmani Crenuchidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Potamorrhaphis petersi Belonidae pelagic 31 TL 3.5 native
Priocharax ariel Characidae benthopelagic 2 TL 2.9 native
Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus Prochilodontidae benthopelagic 40 TL 2.0 native
Psectrogaster ciliata Curimatidae benthopelagic 16 TL 2.5 native
Psectrogaster rutiloides Curimatidae benthopelagic 18 TL 2.0 native
Pseudanos gracilis Anostomidae benthopelagic 18 TL 2.9 native
Pseudepapterus cucuhyensis Auchenipteridae demersal 8 TL 3.2 native
Pseudocetopsis praecox Cetopsidae demersal 7 TL 3.0 native
Pseudorinelepis genibarbis Loricariidae benthopelagic 44 TL 2.7 native
Pterophyllum altum Cichlidae benthopelagic 8 TL 3.3 native
Pygidianops eigenmanni Trichomycteridae demersal 3 TL 3.1 native
Pygocentrus nattereri Characidae pelagic 41 TL 4.0 native
Racenisia fimbriipinna Hypopomidae benthopelagic 12 TL 2.8 native
Reganella depressa Loricariidae demersal 14 TL 2.1 native
Rhabdolichops electrogrammus Sternopygidae benthopelagic 30 TL 3.0 native
Rhinobrycon negrensis Characidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.1 native
Roeboides oligistos Characidae benthopelagic 9 TL 3.6 native
Roestes ogilviei Cynodontidae benthopelagic 23 TL 3.0 native
Sarcoglanis simplex Trichomycteridae demersal 13 TL 3.0 native
Satanoperca daemon Cichlidae benthopelagic 21 TL 3.5 native
Satanoperca lilith Cichlidae benthopelagic 32 TL 3.6 native
Scoloplax dolicholophia Scoloplacidae demersal 2 TL 2.6 native
Scorpiodoras heckelii Doradidae demersal 20 TL 3.0 native
Serrabrycon magoi Characidae benthopelagic 4 TL 3.0 native
Serrasalmus eigenmanni Characidae benthopelagic 22 TL 4.1 native
Serrasalmus gouldingi Characidae benthopelagic 35 TL 3.8 native
Serrasalmus hastatus Characidae pelagic 19 TL 4.0 native
Serrasalmus manueli Characidae benthopelagic 44 TL 3.1 native
Serrasalmus rhombeus Characidae benthopelagic 51 TL 4.2 native
Stauroglanis gouldingi Trichomycteridae benthopelagic 13 TL 3.0 native
Stegostenopos cryptogenes Hypopomidae benthopelagic 10 TL 2.6 native
Steindachnerina bimaculata Curimatidae benthopelagic 17 TL 2.5 native
Sternopygus astrabes Sternopygidae benthopelagic 20 TL 2.6 native
Sternopygus castroi Sternopygidae benthopelagic 20 TL 2.6 native
Symphysodon discus Cichlidae benthopelagic 16 TL 2.9 native
Taeniacara candidi Cichlidae benthopelagic 5 TL 3.5 native
Trachelyopterus ceratophysus Auchenipteridae demersal 22 TL 3.3 native
Trachydoras brevis Doradidae demersal 12 TL 2.6 native
Tucanoichthys tucano Characidae benthopelagic 3 TL 2.8 native
Tyttobrycon xeruini Characidae pelagic 3 TL 3.1 native
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Page generated June 30, 2003 from Page created by: Jen, 15.11.01, last modified by Jen, 20.09.02.

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The copy for was written in 1994-1995. Therefore some information such as scientific names may be out of date. For this, I apologize. Feel free to send corrections to me.